Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015



Not just a man who likes porn * pornography, women also love smelly things erotic. But the way men and women look at porn * grafi turned out much different.
In 2012, the statistical data to Nielsen / Net revealed that one in three visitors who opened the adult entertainment websites are female. And nearly 13 million women in the United States looking for pornography online, at least once a month.
From these data shows that men and women are equally quick to consume pornography to satisfy his sexual needs. But what they are looking for, and how to enjoy the things of a sexual nature is different.
Neuroscientist Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam have interviewed 18,000 men and women. As quoted from Tango, they also analyze the results of nearly 400 million searches online pornography, to know how different men and women in the consumption of grain films and erotic images.
From the research, they found there are 20 different kinds of sexual attraction. The top five most favorite category is pornography on young people, gay, hot mama, breast and cheating wife.
Among men, the kind of sexual attraction is the most popular video website that shows frontal sex. Eg penetration scenes of sex, foreplay, and showing the body of a man and a woman without clothes.
While women prefer something that is both stimuli (stimulus). The main focus is not on pornography, but pornography only as a spice in the story. They also enjoyed how the intimate scenes that support the development of the character of 'characters' in the major media.
In conclusion, women prefer to enjoy something that is visually erotic rather than pornographic. Porn sites most visited women are FanFiction.net, StephenieMeyer.com, and eHarlequin.com. As is known, Stephenie Meyer and Harlequin is a famous romance novelist.
From the findings revealed that reading romance novels and fiction is the most popular way for women to increase sexual arousal. Results of this research have been published in a book called 'A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire'.

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